The Avifauna of the Mo Singto Forest Dynamics Plot, Khao Yai National Park, Thailand

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Philip D. Round
Andrew J. Pierce
Wangworn Sankamethawee
George A. Gale


The 169 species of birds recorded on the 30 ha Mo Singto Forest Dynamics Plot, Khao Yai National Park, Thailand, are a subset of the 329 species recorded in the headquarters area of the park. Most of the Mo Singto-recorded species are typical of evergreen forest interior but the transient occurrence of a small number of other species, inhabitants of forest edge or more open habitats, is documented. Almost one third of species found on the plot were moderate to long-distance migrant, non-breeding, visitors. The largest foraging guilds were foliage-gleaning insectivores and sallying insectivores, together accounting for over one-third of all species. Though obligate frugivores were poorly represented, most insectivorous birds incorporated fruits in their diet. The nearly 30-year history of avian recording at Mo Singto, with intensive community studies having been conducted in the past decade, and the location of the study plot near the submontane-montane transition, make it an ideal site for continuation of detailed monitoring, particularly that related to the impact of climate change.

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