Policies and Measures to Improve the Law to Create Social Stability for an Aging Society : A Case Study of the Preparation for Employment of the Elderly in the Private Sector
labor employment, Thai elderly, labor protection, complete-aged societyAbstract
According to the current situation, Thailand is becoming “complete-aged society”. Some of these elderly people have entered the labor market or are still working. When surveying the protection of employment conditions for the elderly in Thai legal system, it was found that there is no specific protection for working conditions. Therefore, in order to protect the elderly workers clearly and to comply with international agreement and to prevent discrimination against older workers. There should be an amendment to the Labor Protection Act B.E. 2541 as follows. Added the definition of “elderly” to be in line with the definition of the term “elderly” according to the Elderly Act B.E. 2562. Add Section 4/1, the use of elderly labor. There must be measures to protect the rights of older workers by prescribing employment taking into account gender, age range, physical condition limitations and also specifying the nature of the job and suitable working conditions.
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