Development of Smart Small and Medium Entrepreneurs with Blockchain Technology Management


  • Kiarttiphorn Umpai Graduate School of Law, National Institute of Development Administration


Small and Medium Enterprise: SMEs, Blockchain, Smart Contracts


This study has two objectives: first, to develop the country's manpower potential and develop small and medium enterprise entrepreneurs to have knowledge, understanding, and use of blockchain technology in managing entrepreneur's organizations. Second, to develop and create guidelines for the development of skills and knowledge of utilization of Blockchain Technology by Small and Medium Enterprises.

The study found that most small and medium enterprises lack the knowledge and understanding of how to apply blockchain technology in their organizations. Because blockchain technology is different from other information technology systems used in such organizations. In addition, the utilization is still limited for several reasons such as in terms of technical language, high budget to set up the system, employee knowledge and skill development, and blockchain technology is not yet available to all types of entrepreneurs. In particular, there is no need to use blockchain technology to benefit or support business operations with all types of entrepreneurs.

This study suggests that first, to suggest the guidelines for developing the potential of small and medium enterprise operators. Second, policy recommendations on guidelines for developing the potential of business operators of small and medium enterprises through the integration of work support and determination of collaborative strategies of government agencies. Third, recommendations for the development of legal regimes and mechanisms for control, supervision, and promotion of the utilization the blockchain technology.



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How to Cite

Umpai, K. (2024). Development of Smart Small and Medium Entrepreneurs with Blockchain Technology Management. Nitipat NIDA Law Journal, 13(1), 76–100. retrieved from