
  • Chai Ching Tan School of Management, Mae Fah Luang University
  • Yannakorn Toprayoon School of Management, Mae Fah Luang University
  • Thanyanant Chansongpol School of Management, Mae Fah Luang University


Xhishuangbanna, Tourist behavior, Stimulus Organism Response (SOR), Tour guide, Destination images, Tour program


This research is motivated by a lack of knowledge explaining how tour operator can make use of how the tourists perceive and react to the destinations targeted, and the overall tour services and the tour guide arranged, to formulate tour operations strategies to yield similar-trip performances and tourist loyalty to similar trips. Seven hypotheses were assumed and organized in a stimulus-organism-response (SOR) theory and model of tourist behaviors, which included the moderating role of “perceived trip personality matching”. The data were collected with the help of a tour operator bringing Thai tourists to Xhishuangbanna, China, via the R3A route, from Chiang Rai, stopping over to Laos and various other places located in the proximity of Xhishuangbanna. A total of 118 valid data were collected. Structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis demonstrated excellent model fits, and yielded a significant level of ability in variance explanation of the dependent variables, as evidenced in R^2 in the ranges between 0.34-0.53. Numerous important implications are derived, which include trip personality matching and concept of marketing centralizing on “experiencecapes”


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How to Cite

Chai Ching Tan, Toprayoon, Y. ., & Chansongpol, T. . . (2021). STUDYING GROUP TOURS TO XISHUANGBANA, CHINA FOR STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS. Nimitmai Review Journal, 2(1), 23–35. retrieved from