Influence of University Students’ Psychological Counseling Trust on The Counseling Effect: A Case of Shanxi Province, China


  • Yongbo Li
  • Fuangfa Amponstira


The psychological Consultation, Psychological Counseling Effect, Trust


Although psychological counseling is playing an important role in university students' mental health education, there is little research on the effect of psychological counseling on university students. There is even less research on the effect of university students' trust in psychological counseling. The author finds that there is a gap in the research on the trust and effect of psychological counseling for university students. Therefore, the author tries to study this field and discuss the important role of trust in psychological counseling, so as to provide theoretical and practical basis for enhancing the management and effect of psychological counseling. This study adopts the method of convenient sampling, in November 2019 to April 2020, five universities in Shanxi Province of China Counseling center randomly received Counseling of university students, the questionnaire survey to the university students' psychological Counseling Trust Scale (Trust of counseling Scale, TCS) and the Counseling effect self-reported satisfaction Scale respectively evaluate counselors to consulting. Analysis of this research shows that there is a significant correlation between the degree of trust and the effect of psychological counseling among university students, and the ability and credibility of practitioners in the degree of trust are both entered into the regression equation, which well explains the effect of psychological counseling. From the results of correlation analysis and regression analysis, it can be seen that the explanatory power of the four dimensions and the total score in the psychological counseling trust scale for college students on the degree of satisfaction, degree of change and degree of goal achievement in the counseling effect is 38.6%, 36.4% and 41.7% respectively. Among them, the two factors that entered the regression equation were the practitioner's ability and credibility.


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How to Cite

Li, Y. L., & Amponstira, F. . (2023). Influence of University Students’ Psychological Counseling Trust on The Counseling Effect: A Case of Shanxi Province, China. Nimitmai Review Journal, 6(1), 74–89. retrieved from



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