Factors Influencing the Decision-Making of Aesthetic Courses A case study of one local university at Ji Ning, Shandong Province China


  • Zhong Cao
  • Busaya Vongchalitkul
  • Wallaya Chupradit
  • Dhriwit Assawasirisilp
  • Wang-Kun Chen


local colleges and universities, aesthetic education in colleges and universities, attendance rate, quality education.


The research article of study objective to investigate the factors that influence students decision-making in attending aesthetic education courses, with the ultimate goal of enhancing their aesthetic ability, cognition, and creativity. Given the significance of aesthetic education in shaping students' personalities and providing them with quality education, it is crucial to identify and address the challenges that hinder the implementation of such courses in local colleges and universities. Use quantitative research methods There is an online platform survey that is consistent with the research objectives. The sample consisted of students from 16 university colleges in Shandong Province. Select specifically and the sample size was predetermined to be 400 people. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS software, analyzed and the results presented in descriptive statistics. To this end, this research project focuses on two main objectives: first, to identify the factors that affect students' attendance rates in aesthetic education courses, and second, to propose strategies that can enhance students' attendance rates. The study employs a quantitative research design, and data is collected through a questionnaire survey administered to students in a local university in Shandong, China. The survey measures personal, social, and psychological factors, among others, that may influence students' decision to attend aesthetic education courses. By combining this data with the theory of consumer behavior, the study analyzes the current situation of the attendance rate of aesthetic education courses in colleges and universities, highlights the importance of such courses, and proposes ways to improve attendance rates. The results of this study contribute to the theoretical understanding of aesthetic education in local colleges and universities and provide practical recommendations for improving students' access to quality education.


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How to Cite

Cao, Z., Vongchalitkul, B. ., Chupradit, W. ., Assawasirisilp, D. ., & Chen, W.-K. . (2023). Factors Influencing the Decision-Making of Aesthetic Courses A case study of one local university at Ji Ning, Shandong Province China. Nimitmai Review Journal, 6(2), 50–62. retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/nmrj/article/view/264787



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