Private Supplementary Tutoring as a Social Practice: A case study of senior high school students in Chiang Mai


  • วาทินีย์ วิชัยยา Faculty of Sociology and Anthropology, Thammasat University


Private Supplementary Tutoring, Sociology of Education, Strong Structuration Theory


This article presents findings from a research on private supplementary tutoring as a social phenomenon within competitive education system. The research draws on a conceptual framework of Strong Structuration Theory (SST) and is based on in-depth interviews and observation among a sampling group of senior high school students in Chiangmai. The article illustrates how contingent relationships between external and internal structures play an important role in students’ perception and uptake of private supplementary tutoring as an essential strategy for their university entrance examination. Whilst the external structures are common conditions for all students, SST analysis elucidates how internal structures, or the roles of diverse social institutions, have constituted their diverse experiences and perspectives towards private supplementary tutoring. As a form of social practice, private supplementary tutoring might appear to reproduce external and internal structures, which in turn leads to the institutionalisation of itself. However, the research has also pointed to some transformative consequences such that students are not entirely dominated by formal education, but have appropriated elements of the system under the conditions of their diverse internal structures.


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