Rumors on Twitter: 
Flows of News and Information under Thailand’s Socio-political Transition


  • พิจิตรา สึคาโมโต้ Department of Journalism, Faculty of Communication Arts, Chulalongkorn University


rumors, social media, twitter, the 2014 coup d’état


This article discusses online rumors under the ongoing socio-political transition in Thailand. Based on a data set of rumor messages on Twitter during the two-year period since the 2014 coup d’état, the article points out how the flows of online rumors illustrate the lack of freedom among both mainstream and alternative media, and their limit in news reporting of certain public issues. Most of the rumors originate from random individuals’ Twitter accounts, but which are quickly and widely disseminated through public figures’ or online influencers’ accounts. The circulation cycle of such rumors varies according to the verification and following confirmations or rebuttals of each rumor message. With digital media technologies, however, online rumors may persist and regain future public attention. Therefore, it is essential to maintain the balance of power between different peer groups to encourage more alternatives to rumors in the flows of information.



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