cyber civil society in Vietnam today
civil society, cyber activism, Vietnam, digital anthropologyAbstract
Vietnam has recently seen an increasing internet access rate due to the government’s infrastructural and economic investment. This has been as much a better access to news and information for the Vietnamese population as a new challenge to Vietnam’s politics. Drawn from my documentary research and field research in Vietnam between 2015-2017, I argue that the Vietnamese are utilizing the Internet to disseminate ideas and to create socio-political activities that form parts of “cyber civil society” under the country’s totalitarian regime. It is therefore challenging to investigate how political participation and social movements in Vietnam have transformed with the help of cyber activism. On the one hand, this article considers how the Vietnamese government deals with such forms of cyber activism and political participation. On the other hand, it illustrates how Vietnamese social activists develop strategies and tactics to negotiate with state authoritative power, particularly those based on their use of multimodal communication in both online and offline activities.
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