Aims and Scope

NAJUA: History of Architecture and Thai Architecture (NAJUA: HATA) is a scholarly journal dedicated to the nuanced exploration of architectural history and Thai architecture. It provides a platform for academic dialogue in both English and Thai, adhering to international assessment protocols and ethical editorial practices, with oversight by experienced reviewers.

Our mission is to promote new discovery and interpretation in architectural history, Thai architecture, and the conservation of architectural heritage. The journal highlights research related to Thailand, Southeast Asia, and related academic fields. Titled "NAJUA," after the triangular gable motif found in ancient Siamese architecture—from ordinary wooden indigenous dwellings to palatial structures—the journal is dedicated to the study and development of architectural history and Thai architecture as specialized fields of scholarship.

The journal covers the following scopes of content:

  • Architectural History: History of Architecture, Architectural Historiography, Architectural Theory, and Southeast Asian Architecture.
  • Thai Architecture: Traditional Architecture, Vernacular Architecture and Contemporary Architecture, Thai Architectural Design.
  • Architectural Preservation: Preservation, Renovation, and Visual Reconstruction of Historic Monuments.
  • Other Areas of Study: Cultural Landscapes and Landscape Architecture relevant to the History of Architecture and Thai Architecture.


Peer Review Process

All submitted manuscripts undergo a rigorous double-blind review by three reviewers. The full detials of the peer review process can be found here.


Publication Frequency: Twice a year

  • Issue 1: Jan to Jun
  • Issue 2: Jul to Dec


Types of Articles

Research Articles: Deliver concise reports on specific research findings or significant issues within architectural history, Thai architecture, architectural preservation, and related fields. Each article must present a clear research question, detailed methodology, study content, results, and conclusions, contributing original knowledge to the discipline.

Academic Articles: Investigate unique study topics through scholarly inquiry, ranging from comprehensive literature reviews to in-depth historical case studies. Authors are encouraged to study the unique characteristics and cultural identity of Thai architecture or the hybridization resulting from the combination of different architectural styles. In all cases, authors should present their methodologies, historical evidence, and comprehensive insights, offering findings that enhance the research landscape and contribute new knowledge.

Design Articles: Examine Thai architectural design projects, detailing innovative design approaches and methodologies. Authors should present unique design solutions and insights, highlighting projects that emphasize the distinctiveness and local identities of Thai architecture. These articles aim to contribute to new design methodologies and offer practical applications within the field.



The journal accepts manuscripts in both English and Thai, focusing on subjects within its scope and adhering to academic writing standards. Refer to Author Guideline for English manuscripts and Author Guideline for Thai manuscripts for further details.


Publication Fees

The journal does not charge authors any fees to publish their articles.


Open Access Policy

The journal is committed to promoting the broad dissemination and accessibility of articles. We provide open access to our content, allowing readers to access and download articles online free of charge.


Ownership and Management

NAJUA: History of Architecture and Thai Architecture (NAJUA: HATA) is owned and sponsored by the Faculty of Architecture, Silpakorn University, and its Department of Arts and Related Fields is responsible for the entire journal processes.



The Faculty of Architecture, Silpakorn University is responsible for preparing and publishing NAJUA: History of Architecture and Thai Architecture (NAJUA: HATA)
31 Na Phra Lan Road, Phra Nakhon, Bangkok, 10200
Tel. +66 2221 5877


Copyright and Licensing

Authors are required to transfer the copyright of their articles to NAJUA: History of Architecture and Thai Architecture (NAJUA:HATA) to ensure complete copyright protection for their work and to allow for appropriate distribution of the articles through print and electronic media. Authors retain the copyright of articles published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license, which permits them to republish their articles from NAJUA:HATA in other sources. Proper citation of the original publication is essential, and authors must obtain approval from the journal. Authors are also responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce any copyrighted material from other sources.


Revenue Sources

The Faculty of Architecture, Silpakorn University fully supports the journal production process, ensuring high publication standards through rigorous peer-review. However, this funding does not influence the editorial board's decisions on reviewing or publishing articles.



The journal does not accept funding through advertisements as part of its policy. Information related to academic conferences, the journal, or research studies may be shared on the journal's official website if appropriate. However, publishing such content does not compromise the journal's ethical standards.


Direct Marketing

The journal refrains from direct marketing activities as part of its policy. Calls for papers, promotion of the journal, and related activities are announced through the journal's official website, social media platforms, or those of related organizations, adhering to ethical practices and respecting individual rights.


Journal History

NAJUA: History of Architecture and Thai Architecture (NAJUA: HATA) is dedicated to the study of architectural history and Thai architecture. Launched in 2004 with the support of the Faculty of Architecture, Silpakorn University, the inaugural volume focused on research articles, academic articles, and design articles in these fields, aimed at fostering exploration and inquiry.

Since its inception, NAJUA: HATA has gradually expanded its scope. Initially centered on architectural history and Thai architecture, the journal broadened to encompass architectural preservation, vernacular architecture, cultural landscapes, and related academic issues. Over time, it has become a platform for diverse perspectives and scholarly studies, fostering new insights and original contributions to knowledge.

From 2013 to 2022, NAJUA: HATA deepened its focus, encouraging more profound explorations and analyses in architectural history and Thai architecture. Authors were urged to employ critical methodologies in interpreting historical evidence and architectural works, gradually pushing the boundaries of research in these fields.

As it approaches its 20th anniversary in 2023, NAJUA: HATA has been reformatted for international readership while maintaining its focus on architectural history, Thai architecture, architectural preservation, and related subjects. Each article now features a comprehensive abstract and a graphical abstract, with captions and information in figures and tables provided in English to reach a global audience. The journal continues to welcome contributions from scholars of all generations, steadfastly advancing knowledge in architectural history and Thai architecture as distinctive academic disciplines.

Since 2024, NAJUA: HATA has been officially indexed in Scopus, with issues from 2020 onward now accessible in the Scopus database, making its scholarly contributions more accessible to researchers worldwide.