We are pleased to announce that the "NAJUA: History of Architecture and Thai Architecture" has been accepted for inclusion in the Scopus database, effective July 17, 2024. This achievement marks a significant milestone for our journal, reflecting our commitment to academic excellence and the dissemination of high-quality research.

We are deeply grateful to the TCI-TSRI-Scopus Collaboration Project (Phase 2, 2023-25), the Thai-Journal Citation Index (TCI) Center, and the local board for their constructive feedback and invaluable support. Their guidance has been instrumental in enhancing the quality and visibility of our journal.

We are now in the process of finalizing the license agreement with Scopus for content indexing. The editorial team will keep our authors and readers informed as we progress through the indexing process.

Thank you once again for your continued support and encouragement. We look forward to further contributions and collaborations that advance the field of architectural history and Thai architecture.


Editorial Team
NAJUA: History of Architecture and Thai Architecture (NAJUA: HATA)