NBTC Journal’s Ethical Guidelines for Article Publication

To ensure the academic quality and integrity of NBTC Journal, the Editorial Board has established the following ethical guidelines:

Duties and Responsibilities of Authors

1. Submit an article that never been published or disseminated elsewhere and is not concurrently under consideration for publication in another journal.
2. Comply with the format prescribed in the “Guidelines for the Authors” section.
3. Consideration must be given to proper academic integrity and ethical codes when submitting an article for publication. Work involves the use of animal or human subjects should have been deliberated and approved by the relevant research ethics committee.
4. Present only factual data without any misrepresented, fabricated or falsified data.
5. Refrain from plagiarizing others’ and the author’s own work under the criteria prescribed by NBTC Journal.
6. Disclose sources of  financial support for the conduct of the research, including any conflict of interest (if any).
7. All authors and co-authors whose names appear in the article must take part in the research or the writing of the article.
8. References must be cited from reliable and up-to-date sources in the format prescribed by the Editorial Board.

Duties and Responsibilities of Editors

1. Ensure that the journal is published and disseminated within the specified period of time.
2. Prepare and revise the “Guidelines for the Authors” section to keep all aspects that an author should have knowledge of updated at all times.
3. Prescribe appropriate article review process to ensure compliance with the Journal’s established principles and publication procedures. Use reliable tool for the detection of plagiarism.
4. Select reviewers who have suitable expertise in the relevant field to an article.
5. Prescribe appropriate procedures to maintain confidentiality and protect the privacy of authors’ and reviewers’ personal data.
6. Establish suitable procedures for the management of conflict of interests.
7. Impartially and independently select articles for publication in the journal.
8. Set up procedures to deliberate the retraction of an article upon discovering that its author has failed to comply with his/her duties and responsibilities, especially Clauses 1, 4 and 5 of the “Duties and Responsibilities of Authors’ section.

Duties and Responsibilities of Reviewers

1. Review an article that the reviewer has knowledge and expertise.
2. Review an article by observing correct academic and ethical principles.
3. Immediately inform the editor of any potential conflict of interest and competing interest that the reviewer may have in connection to the article.
4. Keep all information relating to an article review confidential and refrain from sharing opinion on the article with anyone prior to its publication. Request for a co-reviewer for any article must have the editor’s prior approval and the co-reviewer’s name must be given in the article review form.
5. Indicate major work(s) which is beneficial and relevant to the article under review that has not cited by the author.
6. Never recommend an author to cite the reviewer’s article with the intention of increasing his/her citation count unless such recommendation is beneficial to the author’s work and comply with the correct academic and ethical principles.
7. Complete the review and return the review report within the specified period of time.