Publication Ethics

To ensure the academic quality and integrity of Journal of Digital Communications, the editorial board has established the following ethical guidelines:

1. Duties and responsibilities of authors

     1.1 Authors must submit articles that have not been previously published or disseminated elsewhere and are not under consideration for publication or dissemination in another journal.

     1.2 Authors are required to comply with the format indicated in “Author Guidelines”.

     1.3 Authors must submit a certificate from the relevant human research ethics committee or animal research ethics committee, as applicable. If the research qualifies for an exemption or falls within a borderline category, a certificate of exemption must be provided, (if any).

     1.4 Authors must present factual information without embellishing, fabricating or using false data.

     1.5 Authors must not plagiarize the work of others including their own previous work, and must adhere to the journal's specified criteria for plagiarism.

     1.6 Authors are required to disclose all sources of funding and any potential conflicts of interest (if any).

     1.7 All authors and co-authors listed in the article must have contributed to the research or writing the article.

     1.8 References must be from reliable and up-to-date sources and formatted according to the Author Guidelines indicated by the editorial board.

     1.9 Authors must create articles from their own original ideas without copying, modifying, or violating copyright of other people including literature, works of art or any other types of works.

     If the use of copyrighted material is necessary and could potentially violate copyright laws, authors must obtain written permission from the copyright holder and submit the permission letter as evidence.

2. Duties and responsibilities of editors

     2.1 Editors must ensure that the journal is published on time.                

     2.2 Editors are responsible for preparing and updating the “Author Guidelines” on all issues that authors should be concerned.    

     2.3 Editors must implement an article screening process in conformity with the principles and procedures of the journal publication and use reliable tools to detect plagiarism.

     2.4 Editors must select reviewers who have suitable expertise in the relevant field to an article.

     2.5 Editors must implement appropriate procedures to maintain confidentiality and protect the personal data and privacy of authors and reviewers.              

     2.6 Editors must ensure there is an appropriate process for managing conflicts of interest.

     2.7 Editors must select articles for publication without intervention.

     2.8 Editors must establish a process for retracting articles that are later found to be non-compliant with the duties and responsibilities of authors, particularly in clauses 1.1, 1.4 and 1.5.      

3. Duties and responsibilities of reviewers

     3.1 Reviewers must review the article using their knowledge and expertise in the relevant field.

     3.2 Reviewers must review the article based on academic and ethical principles.

     3.3 Reviewers must inform the editor of potential conflict of interest and competing interest.

     3.4 Reviewers must keep all information relating to an article review confidential and refrain from sharing opinion on the article with anyone prior to the publication. Request for a co-reviewer for any article must have the editor’s prior approval and the co-reviewer’s name must be given in the article review form.                   

     3.5 Reviewers should indicate important, useful and relevant work(s) for the article under review that has not been cited.

     3.6 Reviewers must not recommend citing own work with the intention of increasing citation count unless that recommendation is beneficial to the author’s work in accordance with the academic and ethical principles.

     3.7 Reviewers must complete and submit their reviews within the specified timeframe.