Author Guidelines

1. Consideration criteria

     The Journal of Digital Communications accepts research articles, academic articles, review articles, and book reviews in both Thai and English. The journal aims to be a collecting and disseminating source of knowledges and researches on broadcasting, television, telecommunications, communication satellites, radio communication services, digital media, social media, and convergence media. Furthermore, the journal includes the knowledge on the application of technology and innovation to communications businesses in the digital age in interdisciplinary fields, particularly Engineering, laws, Economics, and Communications Art. A brief scope of content is as follows:

     1.1 Business operation and regulation such as telecommunications resource management, business mergers and acquisition, service charge or fee regulation, content regulation, consumer protection, universal service obligation, technical standard setting, service agreement regulation, data security and privacy protection.

     1.2 Promotion such as competition promotion, industry promotion, media profession promotion, and media literacy promotion, covering digital media, online media and convergence media.

     1.3 Development such as development and application of digital technology and innovation, platforms, websites, applications, Artificial Intelligence including technology adoption and digital transformation.

     1.4 Other aspects related to the above mentioned activities.

2. The article must neither infringe the copyright of other people's work nor has been published before. It must not be reproduced by the use of Artificial Intelligence.

3. The articles have complete elements consisting of the following topics:

     3.1 Research articles

          1) Name of article, in Thai and English

          2) An abstract, in Thai and English. A short and concise summary of main idea of the article, consisting of one paragraph and not exceeding 250 words. The abstract must include objectives, study methods, results, and conclusion, as well as recommendations (if any).

          3) Three to five keywords in both Thai and English

          4) Introduction

          5) Objectives

          6) Study methods

          7) Literature review 

          8) Terminology (if any)

          9) Conceptual framework/Research hypothesis (if any)

          10) Results 

          11) Discussion

          12) Conclusion

          13) Recommendations (if any) may include recommendation for future studies and policy recommendations for digital communications which must be derived from the results of the study.

          14) Acknowledgement (if any)

          15) References follow the seventh edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) as guidelines. List of references appear at the end of the article must be consistent with the references appear in the content.

     3.2 Academic articles/review articles

          1) Title of article, in Thai and English                 

          2) An abstract, in Thai and English. A short and concise summary of main idea of the article, consisting of one paragraph and not exceeding 250 words. The abstract must include objectives, study methods, results, and conclusion, as well as recommendations (if any).

          3) Three to five keywords in both Thai and English

          4) Introduction

          5) Objectives

          6) Study methods

          7) Terminology (if any)

          8) Results and analysis

          9) Conclusion

          10) Recommendations (if any) may include recommendation for future studies and policy recommendation for digital communication businesses which must be derived from the results of the study.

          11) Acknowledgement (if any)

          12) References follow the seventh edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) as guidelines. List of references appear at the end of the article must be consistent with the references appear in the content.

4. Requirements of the article

     4.1 Total length of an article including the abstract, tables, figures and references must not exceed 15 pages of an A4 paper.

     4.2 Font: TH SarabunPSK 16 points for both Thai and English text

     4.3 Margins: 1 inch (2.54 cm.) on all sides of page

     4.4 Single spacing

     4.5 No space between paragraphs

     Find more details from “Author Guidelines” <click> of the Journal of Digital Communications in ThaiJo system.

5. Manuscript submission

     5.1 Manuscript must be typed in Microsoft Word format. Figures must be submitted in a JPEG image (.JPG) file with a size not less than 600 KB. Each image must have sufficient sharpness for original print production.

     5.2 Download the “Article Submission Form” <click> to provide details of the article and the authors.

     5.3 Submit the article and the Article Submission Form to the website:

6. Publishing schedule

      The journal is published biannually, in June and December. Manuscript submission schedule is as following:

     6.1 For the June issue, manuscript submission within 30 April.

     6.2 For the December issue, manuscript submission within 31 August.

      In case the number of articles exceed the specified quantity, the Office of the NBTC reserves the right to publish some articles in the next issue or in an additional special issue. Decision of the Office of the NBTC shall be final.

7. Disclaimer

     7.1 The Office of the NBTC reserves the right to consider and select articles for publication. In case number of articles exceed the specified quantity, the Office of the NBTC reserves the right to have some articles published in the next issue or in an additional special issue. The decision of the Office of the NBTC shall be final.

     7.2 The Office of the NBTC reserves the right to edit the article for accuracy and completeness; such editing will not alter to the main points that the authors intends to present.

8. Copyright notice

      The Office of the NBTC holds the copyright of articles appearing in the journal. The Office of the NBTC allows the public or general public to distribute, copy, or republish the works under a Creative Commons license (CC), with attribution (BY), No Derivatives (ND) and NonCommercial (NC); unless written permission is submitted.

      The text, tables and figures that appear in articles accepted for publication in this journal are personal opinions and not binding on the NBTC and the Office of the NBTC. In case of any errors, the authors are solely responsible for their own article, and is not concern of the NBTC and The Office of the NBTC.

9. Remuneration

      The articles selected for publication in the journal will receive remuneration at the rate of 500 baht per page. The total remuneration shall not exceed 10,000 baht per article calculated from the number of pages published excluding references.

10. For more information, contact:

          NBTC Academy:        Tel. 0 2670 8888 ext. 3752, 3759
