
  • นายจิราวัฒน์ แช่มชัยพร Office of The National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission


Dispute resolution, Telecommunication sector, Disputant


The article aims to explain the dispute and dispute resolution in telecommunications sector. The telecommunications sector, nowadays, has been transformed by continuous technological developments, leading to the growth of global economic status. The contribution of this trend has made telecommunications dispute even more complicated in various relationships, arising amongst telecommunications operators, between telecommunications operators and consumers, between government and telecommunication operators, and between government and government.

Apart from the aforementioned types of disputes, the arising of telecommunications disputes could also be attributable to certain telecommunications operations; including, telecommunications liberalization and telecommunications regulatory. To effectively manage such complex issues requires different types of alternative dispute resolution. This depends on what means that parties would adopt to resolve those disputes.


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The Administrative Dispute Resolution Act of 1996

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สำนักงานคณะกรรมการกิจการโทรคมนนาคมแห่งชาติ, เอกสารประกอบรายงานประจำปี 2550




How to Cite

แช่มชัยพร น. (2016). DISPUTE RESOLUTION IN THE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SECTOR. Journal of Digital Communications, 1(1), 354–379. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/NBTC_Journal/article/view/119045



Academic article