การเปิดเผยข้อมูลภาครัฐในรูปแบบ Business Intelligence (BI) ในยุค Big Data
Technology plays an important role in many activities of daily life. Both public and private organizations have tried to improve their operations to keep in pace with a fast-moving environment by using the technology to support many operational activities and to manage high-velocity and high-variety data, called big data. Owing to the convenience and quickness of accessing to data at present, the production and dissemination of data to many segments is deemed to be a critical task. Publicizing the high quality data not only reflects to the credibility of the data source, but also makes the data being relayed faultlessly. Consequently, selecting the right technology tools for publicizing data and making them available for everyone to be adopted is considered a critical issue. This is especially true for every government that needs to create patterns for data communication systems to serve the public interest. Amongst many technology tools, the development of business intelligence (BI) is one of the technologies that can potentially fulfill the requirements of big data management. Many countries across the globe have utilized BI for disseminating government information so as to promote the quality of life of general public as well as to enhance the country’s potential.
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