Persons with Disabilities and the Access, Receive or Utilize the Television Services


  • Tri Bunchua Office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission


persons with disabilities, access, receive, utilize, television


The article “Persons with Disabilities and the Access, Receive or Utilize the Television Services” was conducted from the study by collecting data and facts from documents and experiences in working with the promotion and protection of the right of persons with disabilities. The study demonstrated the relation between the promotion and protection of the rights of persons with disabilities to be able to access, receive or utilize the television programmes as equal to the general audiences. Not only policy and regulation making from state agencies that prescribe that all terrestrial digital television stations shall provide sign language interpreter, caption service and audio description in general programmes but also producing specific programmes for persons with disabilities are two issues explored. Suggestions are concluded in three dimensions: 1) persons with disabilities are television audiences that need to access every kind and category of television programmes as equal as other people 2) media producer should consider and understand persons with disabilities 3) the society should build up the society that has persons with disabilities as part of the society.


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How to Cite

Bunchua, T. (2019). Persons with Disabilities and the Access, Receive or Utilize the Television Services. Journal of Digital Communications, 3(3), 120–147. Retrieved from



Research article