The Impact of the investment in 3G/4G mobile broadband system to general public and economic development of Thailand


  • Thanapan Kongthong Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kasetsart University
  • Ittipong Mahathanaseth Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Faculty of Economics, Kasetsart University Bangkok Thailand
  • Pornthep Anussornnitisarn Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kasetsart University


High speed mobile broadband, Economic impacts, Behavior in using smart phone, Computer general equilibrium model of mobile service


The objective of this research is to evaluate the impacts of the 3G/4G mobile broadband investment to society and economic development of Thailand in order to establish guideline or policy in providing the next generation mobile broadband. This research consisted of two evaluation techniques: 1) Field survey of 2,500 3G/4G users throughout Thailand in regards to different areas of economic development and different characteristics of users, 2) Develop and analyze Thailand economic model based on concept of computer general equilibrium (CGE) the impact of 3G/4G investment to 180 economic sectors of Thailand. The main conclusions of this research are: 1) The behavior of using mobile phone has significantly change from “Voice Communication” to primarily access to internet as “Non-Voice or Data service”. Currently, 82.4% used their 3G/4G mobile phone as a prime equipment to access internet in comparison to other alternatives. 2) From CGE matrix, 3G/4G has not significantly impact economic growth. Only few sectors have positive impact. 3) General public are still in initial phase of using mobile broadband such as personal and work activities. However, new product or new business related to 3G/4G technology is hardly seen in Thailand during the study period. The economic benefit from new product/new business model need to wait for a while until Gen Z who growing up with mobile broadband involve more in economic activity. Vice versa, emphasizing in promoting startup via variety of means to create new value-added products or services will stimulate economic impact from 3G/4G investment


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How to Cite

Kongthong, T., Mahathanaseth, I., & Anussornnitisarn, P. (2019). The Impact of the investment in 3G/4G mobile broadband system to general public and economic development of Thailand. Journal of Digital Communications, 3(3), 258–279. retrieved from



Research article