Factors in National Electronic Payment Adoption in the View of SMEs Business Sector and their Customers


  • Chat Chuchuen Faculty of Business Administration Maejo university
  • Manawin Songkroh Faculty of Business Administration Maejo university


Thai national electronic-payment, Cashless Society, Trust, security of the payment system, SMEs


The government's promotion of cashless society is a project applying electronic payments for trading of goods and services. The purpose of this study is to explore factors relating to the use of the national electronic payment system between users from entrepreneur group and customer group whether there is any significant difference. Data collection was online self-administered questionnaires both users group in the number of 304 samples by purposive sampling. Both groups gave precedence to usefulness of the system. The results of hypothesis testing show that factors affecting satisfaction level from entrepreneur group are perceived ease of use, social norm, perceived trust and perceived security while in the customer group, the significant factors are perceived usefulness of the system and perceived trust only. Namely, there is only perceived trust factors significantly affecting satisfaction of both groups. Therefore, the comprehension of such factors entail the development and improvement of national e-payment system to match with requirements from both groups

Author Biography

Chat Chuchuen, Faculty of Business Administration Maejo university

Business Information System program Faculty of Business Administration Maejo university


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How to Cite

Chat Chuchuen, & Manawin Songkroh. (2020). Factors in National Electronic Payment Adoption in the View of SMEs Business Sector and their Customers. Journal of Digital Communications, 4(4), 310–332. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/NBTC_Journal/article/view/242864



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