The Citizen News Reporting on Thai PBS


  • NICHAPA KAEWPRADUB Department of Mass Communication, Faculty of Management Science, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University


Citizen news, Citizen journalists, Role of reporting, Thai Public Broadcasting Service (Thai PBS)


This article aimed to study the reporting of news of Citizen Journalists Program on Thai PBS and types of news of Thai PBS Citizen news reports. This research methodology was a content analysis of Thai PBS,s Citizen Report news during the period of June 2009 - 2015, totaling the period of 7 years with 1,133 news pieces. In-depth interviews were also conducted with Citizen news program executives and reporters of Thai PBS. The finding revealed that the role of reporting of Thai PBS Citizen news reports mainly emphasized on the role of information reporting. Moreover, the reports of Thai PBS Citizen news mainly focused on soft news more than hard news with the priority of social and women news, followed by environment news, education art and culture news, agriculture news, politics news, economics news, science and research news, respectively and sport news. It was also found that royal-related news, technology and computer news and entertainment news were not reported in this program.


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How to Cite

KAEWPRADUB, N. (2021). The Citizen News Reporting on Thai PBS. Journal of Digital Communications, 5(5), 239–259. Retrieved from



Research article