A Study of Effects of Using ChooJai Artificial Intelligence Robot for Elderlies on Stress Level of Geriatric in Elderly Care Center : A Pilot Study


  • KONLAKORN WONGPATIKASEREE Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Mahidol University
  • PANIDA YOMABOOT Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University
  • Narit Noohom Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Mahidol University
  • SUMETH YUENYONG Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Mahidol University
  • NAPAK Pakdeesatitwara University of Melbourne
  • SIRIWAN TAEWIJIT DataLabs Department, LINE Company, Thailand


Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Clinical Psychology, Music Therapy


“Choojai” Mental Health Assistive Robot for elderly care centre is an integration of artificial intelligence, robotics, clinical psychology, and music therapy. Choojai’s functions are Smart Hospital Application telemedicine memory - emotion and cognitive function screeningand Psychological Intervention Application. This pilot study aimed to examine the effects of using Choojai robot on the mental health of the elderly who reside in one nursing care in Bangkok. Quasi-Experimental, One Group Pretest - Posttest Design was employed to compare the score from the Thai Mental Health Questionnaire (TMHQ). Although not statistically significant, results reveal a reduction trend of somatization, depression, and anxiety scores. The results suggest benefits of using Choojai for mental health care in the elderly.


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How to Cite

WONGPATIKASEREE, K., YOMABOOT, P., Noohom, N., YUENYONG, S., Pakdeesatitwara, N., TAEWIJIT, S., & BOONTHAVI, S. (2021). A Study of Effects of Using ChooJai Artificial Intelligence Robot for Elderlies on Stress Level of Geriatric in Elderly Care Center : A Pilot Study. Journal of Digital Communications, 5(5), 379–398. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/NBTC_Journal/article/view/248270



Research article