Conflict in Thai Society: Media and Ideological Reproduction

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LT. Gen. Perapong Manakit, Ph.D.
Nattawan Auscharnuwat


This article aims to investigate and analyze the cause of the conflict in Thai society through a perspective of the four main factors attributed to the conflicts: socio-economic inequality, the impact of Thai media’s melodramatic presentation on people’s perception, the new media’s significant role in the perception of information especially that of the new-generation population, and the influence of theories used to analyze Thai society specifically those that were used to analyze power-structural phenomena of Thai state, with a focus on examples from the Communist Party’s movements since its early era which holds significant influence on the direction of the current Thai political movement. Then, a solution is proposed, focusing on the role of state organizations, specifically one responsible for media regulation.

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How to Cite
LT. Gen. Perapong Manakit, Ph.D., & Nattawan Auscharnuwat. (2021). Conflict in Thai Society: Media and Ideological Reproduction. NBTC Journal, 5(5), 15–32. Retrieved from
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