Mobile ID: A Significant Role in the Development of Digital ID in Thailand


  • Chitsata Sriprasertsuk Office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission


Digital ID, Mobile ID, Digital Identification


Due to the developed digital technology and advanced innovations, demands and behaviors have shifted towards digital services. Consequently, Digital Identity has begun to play a prevalent role globally, for it provides both direct and indirect benefits to the economy and society. In Thailand, there have been developed policies related to Digital ID in various roles, such as issuing guidelines, the legislation of rules and regulations including the development and application of necessary technologies, and the integration of cooperation from many sectors. The Office of the NBTC has given importance to the development and promotion of the Mobile ID Platform service, which is unique and distinctive, to be one of the digital ID alternatives. It is, therefore, a new challenge for the Office of the NBTC to initiate and advocate the telecommunication industry to bring strengths and potential to generate added value in services for people in the digital world. Moreover, the Office of the NBTC would also act as coordinator to collaborate the promotion, the regulation, and the integration among the Digital ID platforms to evolve with credibility and security which allow us to achieve the highest potential of Digital ID services. Therefore, greater advantages would be created for society and the economy.


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How to Cite

Chitsata Sriprasertsuk. (2021). Mobile ID: A Significant Role in the Development of Digital ID in Thailand. Journal of Digital Communications, 5(5), 91–113. Retrieved from



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