Call Center Scammer Problems
Call center scammers, Caller number, Mobile, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), SIM boxAbstract
This article aims to study and find efficient solutions to scam call problems using documentary research approach, together with heuristic process and information analysis. These scammers used Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), which could be operated from anywhere in the world, to make their scam calls. They were thus dubbed “Call Center Scammer”. Most scammers were based in foreign countries and made oversea calls to their target, making them difficult to be tracked and arrested. The scammers used many different methods. The most common one was “Caller ID Spoofing”, where the caller number was spoofed as a local number or an organization’s number to increase chance of answering by the victims. Despite many countries’ effort to intercept, scam call problems could not be completely eliminated as the scammers always changed the caller numbers. In a bid to prevent these scammers, mobile operators have to allow their users who have no relatives or acquaintances in foreign countries to reject oversea incoming calls. At the same time, information about these scammers should be disseminated to as many people as possible in order to prevent them from being victims.
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