Ethical Awareness and Moral for Specialized and Credible News Reporters of Electronic Reporters


  • Pattama Roopsuwankun North Bangkok University
  • sudabhorn arundee North Bangkok University


ethical and moral awareness, specialized new reporters, credible news reporters, electronic reporters or e-Reporters


     This research investigates the awareness of ethics and morality that should be practiced by specialized and credible electronics reporters or e-Reporters. It is a qualitative research using document analysis and Ethnographic Delphi Futures Research: EDFR techniques through interviews with 20 individuals from governmental agencies, mass media, and academics. The study findings revealed a decreasing trend in the awareness of ethics and morality among the electronics reporters due to the changes in the digital age. This is evident in the news that lacks fact-checking and accuracy verification before dissemination, leading to the proliferation of "fake news." Therefore, digital/online reporters should study the online media ethics known as "Community Standards," which are crucial principles and fundamental components in defining the values of electronics reporters and the moral standards of mass media. This is to ensure that the presentation of news content aligns with the ethical principles of mass media, community standards, and guidelines for community practice. Ethics and morality will help establish the values of mass media to be socially responsible and beneficial to the public. Additionally, electronics reporters should have freedom to present news, without distorting information, remaining impartial, presenting factual news, ensuring comprehensive fact-checking, not infringing on personal rights, and adhering to ethical principles and morality. In other words, they should prioritize public interest and not resort to means to obtain desired information without considering the overall impact.


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How to Cite

Roopsuwankun, P. ., & arundee, sudabhorn. (2024). Ethical Awareness and Moral for Specialized and Credible News Reporters of Electronic Reporters. Journal of Digital Communications, 8(1), 87–115. Retrieved from



Research article