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Thu Do
Pacharaporn Kesaprakorn


This study will briefly explore the terms national attitudes in the aspects of national branding and propaganda theory, which brings up a modern and up-to-date perspective of this topic. It also shows the interrelation between Vietnamese millennials’ national attitudes and the impacts of propaganda involved various media. A quantitative survey was conducted in Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam with the involvement of hundreds seventy-one Vietnamese millennials living in there. It revealed that:

  1. Vietnamese millennials, having different demographic factors in relations to gender, educational level, income, awareness towards national news, and travel frequency, did not have significant different national attitudes; except for those working in governments, they had significant different national attitudes compared to ones working in the corporates.

  2. Vietnamese millennials’ media exposure to propaganda, daily exposure to media, and credibility of the media significantly influence their national attitudes. Especially, the credibility of media was the key influence on their perceived national attitudes in the fast changing decade of media.

  3. The participants perceived their national attitudes were influenced by their exposure to nationalistic propaganda on 5 statements of President Ho Chi Minh and sea security.

In 4.0 era, Vietnamese millennials have more access to various information sources and their media literacy increases. There is a need of open and transparent communication, research and discussion. 

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How to Cite
Do, T., & Kesaprakorn, P. . (2022). A STUDY ON THE IMPACTS OF PROPAGANDA ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF NATIONAL ATTITUDES AMONG VIETNAMESE MILLENNIALS. NIDA Case Research Journal, 12(1), 65–109. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/NCRJ/article/view/245242
Case Study


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