Factors Affecting the Way of Life of People on Both Sides of Mekong River Looking through the Border Trade Dimension, Cultural Assimilation, and Public Policy.


  • กชกร เดชะคำภู มหาวิทยาลัยนครพนม


The way of life of people on Both Sides of Mekong River, Border Trade, Cultural Assimilation, Government Policy



               The purposes of this research were to: 1) study the way of life of people on both sides of Mekong River, 2) to investigate the factors affecting the way of life of people on both sides of Mekong River by using mixed methods, and the quantitative research, collecting data by questionnaires from the people on both sides of Mekong River. The sample group consisted of 400 people by using the accidental sampling technique. Statistics used in data analysis were mean, standard deviation, and multiple regression analysis. The qualitative approach based on in-depth interviews people on both sides of Mekong River, customs officers, and traders at the point of border trade facilitation, a total of 20 people were selected by a specific selection.
               The results were as follows: The way of life of people on both sides of Mekong River were at the high level.  The highest perceived aspect was the aspect of creating opportunities to work and making money followed by the aspects of consumer products and the smuggled goods. 2) The factors affecting the way of life of people on both sides of Mekong River were the border trade dimension, cultural assimilation dimension, and public policy dimension in statistically significant difference at the 0.01 level from in-depth interviews. It was found that the emergence and existence of the border trade of the people on both sides of Mekong River. It had been a long time, it was not only for dependence on goods and economic reasons, but also the result of cultural assimilation, intimacy of ethnic, religious, linguistic and cultural traditions of Thailand and Laos had transformed the economic policy into a free market system and more opened up the trade with foreigners. Promoting the development of border areas being strong continuously, these factors made the border trade never lacking in the way of life of people on both sides of Mekong River, encouraging the expansion of trade, investment and infrastructure development causing the people on both sides of Mekong River had consumer products, occurring employment and making income. In addition, it was found that the people on both sides of Mekong River had smuggled goods, prohibited wildlife. Because the incentive of convenience in trading, cheap products, having the increased income from the smuggled goods and the difference of non-taxable income. 

Keywords: The way of life of people on Both Sides of Mekong River, Border Trade, Cultural Assimilation,

                      Government Policy







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How to Cite

เดชะคำภู ก. (2019). Factors Affecting the Way of Life of People on Both Sides of Mekong River Looking through the Border Trade Dimension, Cultural Assimilation, and Public Policy. Local Administration Journal, 11(3), 92–106. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/colakkujournals/article/view/111695