Cautions of Digital Signature Application for a Tuition Fee Receipt, Khon Kaen University
digital signature, public key infrastructure, academic documents, PDF/A, Khon Kaen universityAbstract
This research aimed to study cautions of digital signature application for Khon Kaen University (KKU) tuition receipt in terms of regulation, technology, and policy aspects. Prior studies on digital signature were synthesized and in-depth interviews with 24 key informants were conducted. Findings are as follows. In the regulation aspect, a new digital signature regulation is needed and it has to be in line with existing KKU regulations. In the technology aspect, in-house digital certificate should be avoided and an enterprise digital certificate issued by an international commercial certificate authority is highly recommended. Time-stamp authority as a digital witness is needed to certify document validity. A domain validation network should be avoided in order to prevent phishing. Word/Excel documents are less secured whereas an inert JavaScript-free PDF/A is strongly recommended. In the policy aspect, the university should be cautious with digital mindset changing in order to convince people to recognize the digitally-signed PDF/A as a true copy. The university shoud initate a pilot project promoting the application of digital signature among its various organizations and faculties.
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