Lessons Learned from Participatory Workshops for Paradigmatic Shift in Urban Revitalization of Chiang Mai City


  • อัมพิกา ชุมมัธยา


Lesson learned, participatory action research, urban revitalization, new paradigm, Chiang Mai


This research was based on participatory workshop activities that aimed at shifting the paradigm of urban revitalization of Mae Kha Canal communities located in the old quarter of Chiang Mai City.  The communities have confronted with the pervasive problems of public spaces and low-income housing.  By integrating academic services and learning of urban architecture, participants learned through the process of analyzing and observing real-life situations and environments, nd practiced public space design with communities’ participation.  Their aim was to revitalize the communities in terms of housing management, land sharing, use of "public areas" in the city, and to promote a new revitalization policy under community participation.

Lessons of these multifaceted processes contributed to the efficient integration and exchange of knowledge and experiences between communities, students, and experts.  The processes also encouraged a more participatory approach of urban revitalization among participants.  Students’ learning served as a channel connecting communities, local authorities, and the city.  The activities, which were a result of integrated efforts and public participation, led to a paradigmatic shift in terms of urban revitalization that would eventually benefit urban planning and local policy adoption in a sustainable fashion.


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How to Cite

ชุมมัธยา อ. (2019). Lessons Learned from Participatory Workshops for Paradigmatic Shift in Urban Revitalization of Chiang Mai City. Local Administration Journal, 12(2), 216–232. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/colakkujournals/article/view/197690