Best Practices and Best Fit Model of Thai Public Human Resource Management


  • พิจักษณ์ ภู่ตระกูล Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Suan sunandha Rajabhat University


Best practice, best fit, Thai public human resource management


Organizations believe that humans are the most important resource. Therefore, organizations have turned their attention to the planning and implementation of various types of integration into human resource management in the organization. The best practices model is one of the tools that are used by organizations to increase their operational quality and productivity. It is a tool that helps organizations to develop quickly and reduce the time they take to improve their performance. Learning from the experiences of those who have accomplished provides valuable guidelines for organizational development. Another concept used to increase their operational quality and productivity is the best fit model which can be adapted to suit each situation of the organization. This article is intended to study the best practice and best fit concepts in human resource management and, particularly, the best practice and best fit concepts in the context of Thai public human resource management


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How to Cite

ภู่ตระกูล พ. (2019). Best Practices and Best Fit Model of Thai Public Human Resource Management. Local Administration Journal, 12(2), 288–304. Retrieved from