Governance and Local Administrative Reform: Perspectives and Lessons Learned from Europe


  • Noppon Akahat มหาวิทยาลัยกาฬสินธุ์:Kalasin University


Governance, local administrative reform, local administration in Europe


The purpose of this paper is to propose a concept of governance in the European context and a local administrative reform under the governance paradigm upheld by various countries in Europe. This paper draws on relevant documents and explains the contents in a descriptive manner. The results show that the governance perspective and lessons learned from Europe have been divided into four groups: English, Dutch, German, and Scandinavian. It was been found that the governance trend within the European countries has affected the process of their local administrative reform. In sum, the overall key factors of such local administrative reform are: 1. the factors of the local democracy reform; 2. the internal factors of the local administrative organizations; 3. the external factors of the local administrative organizations; and 4. the factors of particular contexts or conditions that encourage the local administrative reform in Europe to be successful.


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How to Cite

Akahat, N. . (2020). Governance and Local Administrative Reform: Perspectives and Lessons Learned from Europe. Local Administration Journal, 13(2), 185–202. Retrieved from