Leadership and organizational successful
Leadership in modern human resource management.Abstract
This research aimed to study the concepts of leadership and leadership styles that make a successful organization. By analyzing relevant documents, the authors found that for any organization, whether government or private, factors that help drive the organization to be successful are leaders who are capable of high quality work, are concerned for their employees, and are adaptable to change. However, for an organization to have a leader with the right leadership skills when it is needed is not an easy task, especially in the midst of complexity and uncertainty, because there is no leader who has complete knowledge and is good at everything in every situation. Understanding the concepts of leadership is, therefore, crucial for organizations that need to develop and nurture the best and most prepared leadership for the needs of the organization. Organizations have also become more complex: they do not have the freedom to operate without being affected by external factors. Every part of the organization is affected by economic, social, political, and cultural factors. There is no system within the organization that will be independent, not relying on nor being involved with external factors. In addition, the success of the organization must also rely on leaders who are competent and have good management skills.
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