Guidelines to Human Resource Management for Generation X of Community Enterprise Agricultural Housewife Group
Human resource management, generation x, Mahasawat agricultural housewife groupAbstract
The objectives of this research were to analyze the current practice, identify problems, and present appropriate guidelines for human resource management for Generation X members of the Mahasawat Agricultural Housewife Group. The study employed a qualitative research approach. Data were collected by non-participant observation and in-depth interview of 43 key informants including the committee, group members, and government officials. The data were analyzed by thematic analysis. Recruitment of group members was opened to those who were interested throughout the year. There were both internal and external training programs and field trips for knowledge and occupational development. There were compensation regulations and performance appraisal based on product quality. There were no human resource management problems regarding Generation X members. However, for better human resource management, there should be skill development on production and processing of agricultural products, selfdevelopment practice, promotion of lifelong learning, training and development for new technologies, and job assignments based aptitude and expertise.
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