Participation of Volunteer Students of Security, Khon Kaen University


  • Morakot Subin Khon Kaen University, Thailand
  • Aphiradee Wongsiri Faculty of Humanity and Social Science, Khon Kaen University


Volunteer, Participation, Security


The research on the participation of students volunteering in security at Khon Kaen University aims to study the conditions of becoming a security volunteer student at Khon Kaen University and to study the participation of security volunteer students at Khon Kaen University. This study used qualitative research and a semi-structured interview to collect data. The five students who volunteered for security at Khon Kaen University were key informants for the research. The qualitative data analysis was conducted with content analysis. The results showed that the conditions of becoming a student volunteering in security at Khon Kaen University consisted of three important conditions: 1) the basics of student activists; 2) the need for self-improvement and learning new experiences; and 3) the desire to help fellow students and community services. The participation of students volunteering in security at Khon Kaen University was divided into two characteristics; step-by-step planning and emergency operations. Students who passed the training would obtain knowledge and skills before performing their duties in actual situations. Through the process, the planning of work corresponds to all levels of engagement and can be applied effectively when there is an emergency.




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How to Cite

Subin, M., & Wongsiri, A. (2021). Participation of Volunteer Students of Security, Khon Kaen University . Local Administration Journal, 14(2), 159–176. Retrieved from