Bicycle Network Development on Rattanakosin Island, Bangkok
Rattanakosin island, Bicycle network, Nonmotorization Road safety, TourismAbstract
This research aims to study the development of bicycle routes in the Rattanakosin Island area. The objectives were: 1) to study the characteristics of the physical area in the development of bicycle routes; 2) to analyze the potential of the suitable areas to recommend for bicycle routes; and 3) to propose solutions for the master plan of cycling routes in Rattanakosin Island area. The study was conducted by reviewing the relevant research papers and collecting data through a focus group of 50 persons. The bicycle routes were assessed with a questionnaire survey of 150 sets rated 1-5, with 5 representing the most agreed upon. The factors for evaluating the appropriateness of the network consisted of four aspects; safety, physical suitability, the potential of usage, and the pattern of cycling. After the ratings were gathered, a descriptive analysis was performed by analyzing the content. The results found that Rattanakosin Island is a likely pilot area to promote the bicycle network. This is due to the potential value which represents the importance and value of cultural, historical, artistic, spiritual, and social aspects. As a result, the area demonstrates high tourism potential, representing a major attraction node connected with multimodal transportation choices. Finally, the development of a bicycle network in the Rattanakosin area can help promote more cyclists while reducing the number of cars, while this influential group of tourism and recreation can potentially induce more demand for daily cycling
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