The Influence of Transformational Leadership, Organizational Commitment, and Job Satisfaction on the Turnover Intention of Modern Trade Business Employees in Thailand
Transformational leadership, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, turnover intentionAbstract
The objectives of this paper were: 1) to examine the coherence of the causal relationship model of transformational leadership, organizational commitment, and job satisfaction; and 2) to study the influence of transformational leadership, organizational commitment, and job satisfaction with the intention to resign from modern retail organizations in Thailand. The researcher used a quantitative research model. The research area was modern retail business comprised of Tesco Lotus, Siam Makro, and Big C Supercenter. The sample group consisted of 300 salespeople and used a systematic sampling method. The research instrument was a questionnaire to check the correlation coefficient. Data analysis by basic statistics, mean, percentage, standard deviation. and empirical data analysis. The study showed that all criteria after the results of the coherence examination of the causal relationship model after adjusting, were met. It was found that transformational leadership was the most influential variable on an employee's intention to quit. Research has also found that transformational leadership is most effective through job satisfaction. and organizational commitment will reduce the willingness of employee’s intention to resign. Executives in both the public and private sectors can apply the findings to adapt, improve, and retain their employees, as well as being able to motivate employees resulting in efficient employee retention.
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