Toward a Modern Agriculture in Thailand: A Case Study of Freshwater Aquaculture in the Central Region


  • Supawadee Khunthongjan Puey Ungphakorn School of Development Studies, Thammasat University, Thailand
  • Thanaporn Athipanyakul Faculty of Economics, Kasetsart University, Thailand
  • Suwanna Sayruamyat Faculty of Economics, Kasetsart University, Thailand


Central region agriculture, modern agriculture, freshwater aquaculture


Farming development today focuses on the concept of the “Smart Farmer,” applying modern technology to traditional agriculture. This research aimed to (1) study the characteristics of aquaculture farmers who have bred and cultured freshwater fish in the central region of Thailand, (2) analyze strengths, difficulties, and obstacles the aquaculture farmers have been confronting, (3) analyze critical conditions and mechanisms leading those aquaculture farmers of freshwater fish breeding and culture to smart farming, (4) analyze technologies and innovations that will be instrumental in driving aquaculture, and (5) suggest guidelines for driving aquaculture farmers in the central region to transform to modern agriculture. The target population was 25 members of large agricultural land plots, farmers in general, government officers, and representatives of business sectors. Interview and focus group discussions were engaged for data collection and specifically analyzed and synthesized the contents that led to smart farming. The findings show that the aquaculture farmers whose average age was 55 invested in assets and factors of production had had prior experience and were skilled in frogs and soft-shelled turtles for exportation. Because of climate change and the low price of aquatic animals, it was later replaced by the aquatic animal business. Still, high production costs and climate change were the aquaculture farmers' problems. Key factors for the farmers’ improvement involved mindset change toward climate change by strengthening morale. Regarding technology and innovation integration for food safety, the GAP standard aims at reducing the problem and, as mentioned earlier, to decrease the problems they are confronting and move forward to the smart farmer trend by 2036.



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Translated References

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How to Cite

Khunthongjan, S., Athipanyakul, T., & Sayruamyat, S. . (2022). Toward a Modern Agriculture in Thailand: A Case Study of Freshwater Aquaculture in the Central Region. Local Administration Journal, 15(4), 425–440. retrieved from