The Network and Collaboration Management of Local Administrative Organizations for Improving the Quality of Life for the Elderly in Upper Southern Region, Thailand


  • Sakda Kajornbun -


Municipality, sub district administrative organization, network management, elderly


The research aimed to study the factors and conditions that affected the network management, styles, and guidelines on the network management of local administrative organizations (LAOs) suitable for the elderly in the upper southern region. The research was based on the mixed method. Data was collected through purposive interviews with personnel related to elderly affairs at eight local administrative organizations and concerned networks. Questionnaires were also sent to 559 LAOs and were received back from 242 LAOs to survey the representatives of local administrative organizations (municipality and subdistrict administrative organizations). Data were analyzed by finding percentages, mean, and standard deviation. The study found five aspects related to factors and conditions affecting network management ranked in importance: organizational executives, operational personnel, organizational interrelationships, work processes and resources, and understanding of organizational functions. The suitable network management styles for the elderly affairs require the local administrative organizations to serve as central coordinators in conjunction with the elderly clubs and Subdistrict Health Promotion Hospitals to promote coordination with the partnership networks to provide public services to the elderly. Meanwhile, the network management guidelines relied on work integration, competency development for executives and operational personnel, modification of proper work regulations, and role adjustment of local administrative organizations as a coordinator.




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How to Cite

Kajornbun, S. (2023). The Network and Collaboration Management of Local Administrative Organizations for Improving the Quality of Life for the Elderly in Upper Southern Region, Thailand. Local Administration Journal, 16(1), 105–124. Retrieved from