People’s Needs for the Provision of Public Services of Local Administrative Organizations: A Case Study of Wangnamsub Sub-district Municipality, Si Prachan District, Suphanburi


  • pathompong kookkaew Faculty of Business Administration and Information Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi, Suphanburi Campus, Thailand
  • Thanatchaphon Sang-in Faculty of Business Administration and Information Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi, Suphanburi Campus


people’s needs, provision of public services, local administrative organizations


This research aimed to 1) compare people’s need for the provision of public services, classified by personal qualification and 2) study the factors related to public services that affected the people’s need for the provision of public services. The instrument used was a questionnaire. The samples were 380 people who lived in Wangnamsub Sub-district Municipality area and used non-probability sampling by accidental sampling. The statistical tools for data analysis included frequency, percentages, mean, standard deviation, one-way ANOVA and multiple regression analysis. The finding found that 1)people with different gender, ages, education levels, occupations and duration of residence in the area have needs for the provision of public services were not different but people with different average household monthly incomes have needs for the provision of public services were different. 2) The factors related to public services that affected the provision of public services in Wangnamsub Sub-district Municipality namely: experience in public service and perception of the news about public service. The Wang Nam Sub Subdistrict Municipality can use the results of the study as a guideline for developing public service provision to respond to the needs of the people in all aspects.




How to Cite

kookkaew, pathompong, & Sang-in, T. . (2023). People’s Needs for the Provision of Public Services of Local Administrative Organizations: A Case Study of Wangnamsub Sub-district Municipality, Si Prachan District, Suphanburi . Local Administration Journal, 16(2), 249–266. retrieved from