Factors Affecting the Success of Sustainable Community Waste Management According to the Circular Economy Principle: A Case Study of Ban Rang Plub Community, Ratchaburi Province


  • Yada Wichaidith The Graduate School of Environmental Development Administration, National Institute of Development Administration
  • Chutarat Chompunth The Graduate School of Environmental Development Administration, National Institute of Development Administration


Community Waste Management, Factors Affecting the Success, Circular Economy, Ban Rang Plub Community


This research aimed to analyze sustainable community waste management according to the Circular Economy Principle of Ban Rang Plub Community and to analyze the factors affecting the success of such management. The study was qualitative research. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with stakeholders in community waste management combined with non-participant observation and documentary research with relevant documents. The researcher has applied the principles of the CIPPIEST Model to analyze data in all 8 aspects including Context, Input, Process, Product, Impact, Effectiveness, Sustainability, and Transportability. The results showed that factors affecting the success of sustainable community waste management according to the Circular Economy Principle of Ban Rang Plub Community were: 1) The community’s leaders were strong, 2) The community has obtained support from external network partners, 3) The community has clearly defined agreements and processes for community waste management, 4) The community members cooperate, and 5) The community has transferred knowledge to new generations and other communities. These results can be adapted to be used as a guideline for the development or improvement of community waste management in other communities to operate efficiently leading to success in sustainable community waste management in the future.



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How to Cite

Wichaidith, Y., & Chompunth, C. (2023). Factors Affecting the Success of Sustainable Community Waste Management According to the Circular Economy Principle: A Case Study of Ban Rang Plub Community, Ratchaburi Province. Local Administration Journal, 16(3), 421–446. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/colakkujournals/article/view/265580