Wage Inequality Among Isan Female Migrants in Their Destinations


  • Kittipitch Prommakot Khon Kaen University
  • Dusadee Ayuwat Labour and International Migration Service Center, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Khon Kaen University, Thailand
  • Panu Suppatkul Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Khon Kaen University


Spatial inequality, wage disparity, Isan female migrant, internal migration, cross-region migration


This article aimed to study the wage inequality among female migrants from Isan across various destinations in Bangkok and its vicinity, and other provinces in Central Thailand. The quantitative research method was used, with the analysis unit at the individual level. The sample consisted of 1,713 female migrants from a migration survey conducted in 2019. The data were collected between October and December 2019 by the National Statistical Office. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and cross-tabulation. The results showed that the majority of female migrants from Isan belonged to Generation Y (24 – 41 years old), accounting for 48.6 percent of the sample. They had completed education up to the compulsory level and were predominantly single (62.1 percent and 71.3 percent, respectively). Approximately half of the female migrants chose to immigrate to Bangkok and its vicinity. Furthermore, 72.9 percent of female migrants were employed in occupations classified as the secondary skill level. On average, they worked less than 48 hours per week and earned a monthly income ranging from 9,001 to 15,000 Thai baht (66.5 percent). Most female migrants who worked in Bangkok and its vicinity generally earned higher wages compared to those who worked in the same skill-level occupations in other provinces in Central Thailand. This discrepancy can be attributed to the concentration of development for prosperity in the Bangkok area.


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How to Cite

Prommakot, K., Ayuwat, D., & Suppatkul, P. (2024). Wage Inequality Among Isan Female Migrants in Their Destinations. Local Administration Journal, 17(1), 17–34. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/colakkujournals/article/view/267960