Development of Analytical Reading Skills Using SQ4R Technique with Skill Training Exercises for Grade 11 Students at Saparachinee 2 School


  • Jiraporn Sikkajarn Student, Master of Arts Program (Education) in Thai Language, Faculty of Education, Prince of Songkla University Pattani Campus
  • Jutamas Hnootong Student, Master of Arts Program (Education) in Thai Language, Faculty of Education, Prince of Songkla University Pattani Campus
  • Supaporn Kongton Lecturer, Thai language Program, Faculty of Education, Prince of Songkla University Pattani Campus


Analytical reading, SQ4R learning management, Skill practice


This research aimed (1) to enhance analytical reading skills of grade 11 students through an implementation of the SQ4R technique combined with skill-training exercises and (2) to investigate the satisfaction level of grade 11 students towards learning management using the SQ4R technique combined with skill-training exercises. The research sample comprised 39 grade 11 students in Semester 1, of the academic year 2023, at Saparachinee School 2, selected through purposive sampling. Research instruments included (1) a lesson plan for analytical reading, (2) skill practice exercises for analytical

reading, and (3) an assessment questionnaire for satisfaction towards learning management using the SQ4R technique combined with skill-training exercises, analyzed using frequency, mean (𝑥̅), standard deviation (S.D.), and interdependent group statistics. The research findings revealed that (1) post-learning analytical reading performance of the students was significantly higher than pre-learning, at a statistically significant level of .05, and (2) students showed high satisfaction towards learning management using the SQ4R technique combined with skill practice, with a mean score (𝑥̅) of 4.24. The SQ4R learning technique, combined with skill exercises, helped students develop their analytical reading skills more effectively and could a method that stimulates systematic thinking.


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How to Cite

Sikkajarn, J., Hnootong, J. ., & Kongton, S. . (2024). Development of Analytical Reading Skills Using SQ4R Technique with Skill Training Exercises for Grade 11 Students at Saparachinee 2 School. KKU Research Journal (Graduate Studies) Humanities and Social Sciences, 12(3), 26–35. Retrieved from



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