Mann, hmm, häh?! – The Use of Interjections in German Films


  • รุ่งฟ้า (Rungfah) ปลื้มถนอม (Plumthanom) B.A. (German), Silpakorn University
  • เฟลิกซ์ (Felix) พึล์ม (Pülm) Department of German, Faculty of Arts, Silpakorn University
  • กรกช (Korakoch) อัตตวิริยะนุภาพ (Attaviriyanupap) Department of German, Faculty of Arts, Silpakorn University


Interjections, German films, Factors affecting the use


This research focuses on German interjections and factors that affect their use. After the interjections were collected from 10 German films and drama series, they were classified into categories and sequenced according to their frequency. The factors affecting the choice of interjections, such as gender, age and education level.

It was found that the most common interjections belong to the group that results from the system of actions and expectations, especially the interjections that express emotional change, for example, oh, Mann (man), and Scheiße (shit). The most common purpose of use is to express anger. As for the factors influencing the use of interjections, it was found that the sex of the speaker had the least effect on the choice, while age and education displayed substantial influence.


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How to Cite

ปลื้มถนอม (Plumthanom) ร. (Rungfah), พึล์ม (Pülm) เ. (Felix), & อัตตวิริยะนุภาพ (Attaviriyanupap) ก. (Korakoch). (2019). Mann, hmm, häh?! – The Use of Interjections in German Films. Journal of the Faculty of Arts, Silpakorn University, 41(1), 84–102. Retrieved from