From the Huni Kuin Rite to the Ernest Neto’s Creativity of Arts


  • ณัฐภรณ์ (Nattaporn) สถิตวราทร (Sathitwarathorn) Doctorate Student, Doctor of Philosophy (Visual Arts), Graduate School, Silpakorn University
  • พิษณุ (Pishnu) ศุภนิมิตร (Supanimit) Professor Emeritus, Department of Graphic Arts, Faculty of Painting Sculpture and Graphic Arts, Silpakorn University
  • ถาวร (Thavorn) โกอุดมวิทย์ (Ko-udomvit) Professor, Department of Graphic Arts, Faculty of Painting Sculpture and Graphic Arts, Silpakorn University
  • ชัยยศ (Chaiyosh) อิษฏ์วรพันธุ์ (Isavorapant) Associate Professor, Department of Art Theory, Faculty of Painting Sculpture and Graphic Arts, Silpakorn University


Ernesto Neto, Huni Kuin, Ayahuasca, Experience of space, Installation art


Ayahusca is a medicinal rite of Amazonian natives. The rite was inherited by Huni Kuin, indigenous people, whose lifestyle depends on nature. The tribal lifestyle corresponds to Ernesto Neto’s belief. For half of a decade, Ernest Neto, a Brazilian contemporary artist, has learnt and created arts on the basis of Huni Kuin’s belief and culture. This article aims to examing his artistic creativity, which leads appreciators to perceive the arts along with the story of the tribe. According to the concept of space and perception, Ernesto Neto has connected the Huni Kuin world with the external world in his art space to create experience of a place for the appreciator.


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How to Cite

สถิตวราทร (Sathitwarathorn) ณ. (Nattaporn), ศุภนิมิตร (Supanimit) พ. (Pishnu), โกอุดมวิทย์ (Ko-udomvit) ถ. (Thavorn), & อิษฏ์วรพันธุ์ (Isavorapant) ช. (Chaiyosh). (2019). From the Huni Kuin Rite to the Ernest Neto’s Creativity of Arts. Journal of the Faculty of Arts, Silpakorn University, 41(2), 203–224. Retrieved from