“Chinese Subjects” and the Idea of the Establishment of a Chinese Consular in Siam in the Reign of King Rama V


  • พิภู บุษบก สาขาวิชาประวัติศาสตร์โลก สถาบันเอเชียตะวันออกเฉียงใต้ศึกษา มหาวิทยาลัยเซี่ยเหมิน สาธารณรัฐประชาชนจีน


Chinese Subjects, Extraterritoriality, Chinese Consular in Siam


This article examines the emergence, development and policies of the Siam government relating to “Chinese subjects” in the reign of King Rama V, and the idea of establishing a Chinese consular in Siam that arose at that time. Furthermore, there are certain associations between the Chinese subjects and the Chinese consul foundation. The findings show that the emergence of "Chinese subjects" was the result of the treaties between Siam and western master-powers, which provided westerners and their subjects with free trade rights and extraterritorial jurisdiction. Consequently, these advantages enabled a number of Chinese migrants in Siam to register to become the subjects of western countries, taking advantage of a legal loophole. The emergence of "Chinese subjects" in Siam society, since then, brought about many problems to the Siam government. However, some other Chinese merchants did not concur with the idea of being under the westerners' control. They required Qing's court to establish a consular in Siam so that they could ensure legal protection directly, instead of getting what they needed by registering to be subjects

of western countries. This proposal coincided with that of high officials of Qing's court, who were considering establishing consuls in different countries where Chinese migrants settled, in order to legally protect them and gain economic benefits from the overseas Chinese. Siam was a country in which the Manchu government was interested. Although this idea failed because of many factors in the end, this case is part of the history of Sino-Thai relations that is worth studying of immeuse interest.


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How to Cite

บุษบก พ. (2020). “Chinese Subjects” and the Idea of the Establishment of a Chinese Consular in Siam in the Reign of King Rama V. Journal of the Faculty of Arts, Silpakorn University, 36(2), 107–133. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jasu/article/view/238713