Child Labour in the British Textile Industry during the Industrial Revolution


  • ธิติพงศ์ มีทอง คณะมนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏนครปฐม


British textile industry, child labour, maltreatment


This research work aims to study an important social phenomenon resulting from the development of the British textile industry during the nineteenth century, since the growth of the textile industry had been one of the most important foundations in the first phase of the Industrial Revolution in the western world. This type of industry largely increased the country's import and export values, and as a result many businessmen invested huge amounts of money in the textile mills. These factory owners were so successful that many of them became very influential, both in the country's economy and politics.

 However, findings of this work reveal that although Britain was successful economically as a result of the expanding domestic textile industry, another side of British society at that time endured unprecedented distress in the mills. Child labour, both free labour sent by the parents to work  in the factories, and the parish apprentices recruited by the factory owners, poured into the cotton mills. Several textile industries exploited these children badly in relation to working hours, work environment, and maltreatment which affected them both physically and mentally. Exploitation of child labour began to be increasingly criticized by the British public. Significant social reformers continuously campaigned against the use of child labour. Their movements caused successive governments to pay more attention and to investigate the problems more closely. An important result of the government policies was the forming of the Factory Acts throughout the nineteenth century. The main essence of these Factory Acts was to help free the kids from the maltreatment they had received from their employers.


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How to Cite

มีทอง ธ. (2020). Child Labour in the British Textile Industry during the Industrial Revolution. Journal of the Faculty of Arts, Silpakorn University, 32(1), 176–199. Retrieved from