The Usage of The Particles 이/기 and 은/는 of Thai students


  • สุมาลี สูนจันทร์ คณะอักษรศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร


particle, <이/기, 은/는>


Due to the fact that Thai and Korean Grammar structures are very different, Thai students who learn Korean language encounter a number of problems and difficulties in learning the language especially the usage of particles 이/기 and 은/는 to identify the subject and the topic, or to imply a different meaning to the sentence which does not exist in Thai. The method of this research is to compile several usage principles of particles 이/기 and 은/는. This information will be used to find out what usage principles are used more correctly or incorrectly by the students. The results of this research will be used as part of teaching development for Thai students learning Korean.


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How to Cite

สูนจันทร์ ส. (2020). The Usage of The Particles 이/기 and 은/는 of Thai students. Journal of the Faculty of Arts, Silpakorn University, 31(2), 276–298. Retrieved from