Importance of Southern Thailand for The Japanes Army during The Greater East Asia War


  • พวงทิพย์ เกียรติสหกุล คณะอักษรศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร


Southern Thailand, Japanese army, Greater East Asia War


This article has the objective of highlighting the importance of the southern region of Thailand as a strategic center for the Japanese army during the Greater East Asia War. An emphasis was placed on the southern railways, the most important railway line, which the Japanese army used as a means to transport military reinforcements, food supplies, and weapons and war equipment to bolster the Japanese army operating both in Burma and Malaya. During the Greater East Asia War, the Japanese army's exertion of their control over the southern railways manifested itself in two ways. First, special trains were employed to transport Japanese troops from Padang Besar to Alor-star, and from Sungei Golok to Kota Baru in Malaya. Second, by extending previously existing railways to Burma, two new railway tracks were constructed, namely, the Nong Pladuk-Kanchanaburi-Thanbyuzayat Railway (the Thailand Burma Railway) and the Chumphon-Kraburi Railway (the Kra Canal Railway). The control of Thailand's southern railways not only demonstrated the crucial role which the southern part of Thailand played during the Greater East Asia War, but also reflected the executed strategies that the Japanese army had so carefully planned in advance, so that Thailand had no option but to be compliant and submissive.


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How to Cite

เกียรติสหกุล พ. . (2020). Importance of Southern Thailand for The Japanes Army during The Greater East Asia War. Journal of the Faculty of Arts, Silpakorn University, 30(2), 78–131. Retrieved from