Using Appropriate Games for Mobile Library Activities


  • กานดาวัลย์ คุณานนท์วิทยา คณะอักษรศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร




The purpose of this article is to encourage the development of reading game activities by mobile libraries as those that currently being done at the “Mobile Library for Community and Schools in the Western Region Project” and to use this project as a case study from which to delineate the successes of these activities for young readers. The program was first begun by the Department of Library Science at Silpakorn University in the year 2003 and since the point of initiating this project it has served seventeen schools from seven provinces. The main purpose of this project has been to promote reading habits of young students in elementary schools in the western region. Facilitators bring this mobile library to each school, implement reading activities and games for the students, and then go to the next school where similar activities are done. From the writer's observation, reading activities and games have been proven to be very useful to motivate students to read more books. This study is, therefore, concerned with three main topics: the purpose of the games, their application for various reading objectives, and a recommendation for the selection of relevant games for various mobile library activities. It is believed that this article will be of use for those who would like to use mobile library activities and games to encourage children and teenagers to read books.


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How to Cite

คุณานนท์วิทยา ก. . (2020). Using Appropriate Games for Mobile Library Activities. Journal of the Faculty of Arts, Silpakorn University, 27(2), 7–25. Retrieved from