The Modernity of the Musical Play


  • Phuangphen Sawangjai Faculty of Arts, Silpakorn University


ละครร้อง, ละครรำ


The musical play of Prince Narathippraphanpong developed a new style of performing conventions. He transformed its form and content to make it fit to the period and be different from earlier Lakhon Ram. With this transformation, The musical play became more fascinating. IN the performance of the play, much emphasis would be put on the characters' artistic singing. Settings and costumes would be made more realistic and suitable to the story which aimed to portray the common life. Moreover, the theme of romantic love considerably satisfied the audience because the subject matter was very close to them. The musical play also revealed the development of Thai drama and it functioned as the joint between Lakhon Ram and Spoken drama, too. Compared with Lakhon Ram, the musical play was the more appropriate entertaining in the competitive business at that time because of its lower performing budgets.


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How to Cite

Sawangjai, P. (2021). The Modernity of the Musical Play. Journal of the Faculty of Arts, Silpakorn University, 27(1), 122–140. Retrieved from