Using Role-playing Game (RPG) for Teaching Culture in German as a Foreign Language


  • Phoosita Bamrungsuntorn Bachelor of Arts (German), Silpakorn University
  • Korakoch Attaviriyanupap Professor, Ph.D. at Department of German, Faculty of Arts, Silpakorn University


Game for instruction, Role-playing game (RPG), German culture, German as a Foreign Language


Games are a teaching medium that can attract foreign language learners’ attention to explore sociocultural issues. This study aims to develop and use an RPG (role-playing game) for teaching culture in the field of German as a Foreign Language in higher education. The selected topic of the study was the history of the Berlin Wall. The RPG developed was put on trial and its teaching efficiency was evaluated by way of a pre- and post-test, and a questionnaire. The data regarding the game’s appropriateness and the learners’ opinions on this teaching material were collected and analyzed. The analysis of the data collected from the 40 students who participated in the game testing showed that the students average scores increased significantly from pre-test to post-test. Participating students were able to gain a fuller understanding of the historical importance of the Berlin Wall through the content of the game. It was found that most students gave positive feedback toward using the RPG as teaching material. In addition, the game helped them to understand the content easier, reducing their stress while learning.


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How to Cite

Bamrungsuntorn, P., & Attaviriyanupap, K. (2021). Using Role-playing Game (RPG) for Teaching Culture in German as a Foreign Language. Journal of the Faculty of Arts, Silpakorn University, 43(1), 52–69. Retrieved from